Pure Mathematics- Analysis:

  • B. Sc. Pure Mathematics, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University of Tehran,

Iran; 1997-2002.

  • Master of Pure Mathematics- Analysis, Kharazmi (Tarbiat Moallem) University of Tehran, Iran; 2002-2005.
  • Ph.D. Pure Mathematics- Harmonic Analysis and Operator Spaces,

by Prof. A. R. Medghalchi, Kharazmi (Tarbiat Moallem) University of Tehran, Iran; 2005-2011.

Ph.D Thesis: My research project during Ph.D was about injective operator spaces. In the paper [1], I have proved that if V is an injective operator space which I11(V ) ∼= B(H), then there is some Hilbert space K such that V ∼= B(K, H). Thus injective operator space V is completely isometrically isomorphic to some row Hilbert operator space if and only if I11(V ) is one dimensional.

  • Visiting Scholarship: I had been in Mu ̈nster University of Germany. I worked by Prof. Cuntz and Prof. Werner about injective operator spaces on 2007-2008.
  • Postdoc: I had been in Mu ̈nster University on 2012-2013. I worked by Prof. Werner about Injective Operator Spaces and Tensor Products. In another project, I worked by Prof. Echterhoff about Dynamical Systems and Crossed Products. We defined the concept of crossed products on operator spaces.
  • Guest Researcher: I had been invited from Prof. Echterhoff to Mu ̈nster Uni- versity of Germany about ”Crossed product of operator spaces”July and August 2015,
    June, July and August 20

Research Interests: C*-Algebra, Operator Space, Operator Algebra, Injectiv ity, Dynamical System and Crossed Product.



1) Characterizing injective operator spaces for which I11(V ) ∼= B(H), Ali Reza Medghalchi and Hamed Nikpey, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 82/1 (2013), 21-30,

2) Bounded injectivity and Haagerup tensor product, Mohammad Bagher Asadi, A.R.Medghalchi and Hamed Nikpey, Glasnik Matematicki, Vol. 48(68)(2013), 95- 100,

3) On tensor products of injective operator spaces, Masoud Amini, Ali Reza Medghalchi and Hamed Nikpey, accepted in Journal of Houston Texas, 2015.

4) Operator valued maps on Hilbert C∗-modules, Mohammad Bagher Asadi, Reza Behmani, Ali Reza Medghalchi and Hamed Nikpey, accepted in Journal of Operators and Matrices, 2016.

5) Completely semi-φ-map, Mohammad Bagher Asadi, Reza Behmani, Ali Reza Medghalchi and Hamed Nikpey, reviesed in Journal of Complex analysis and oper- ator theory, 2016.

6) Hilbert C∗-modules as a subcategory of operator systems and injectivity, Mo- hammad Bagher Asadi, Reza Behmani, Ali Reza Medghalchi and Hamed Nikpey, accepted in Positivity Journal

7) Globally exact operator spaces, Masoud Amini, Ali Reza Medghalchi and Hamed Nikpey, Vol. 53, No. 1 (2018),

8) C∗-Operator systems and crossed products, Masoud Amini, Siegfried Echter- hoff, Hamed Nikpey, Arxiv,

9) Crossed product of C∗-algebras by hypergroups, Masoud Amini, Hamed Nikpey, Mohamad Tabatabaei, Mathematische Nachrichten

10) Crossed product of Hilbert C∗-module, Masoud Amini, Reza Behmani, Hamed Nikpey, to be submitted

Conference, Talks and Posters:

1) IPM, 2011-2012, more than Ten Lectures about ”Operator Spaces and Operator Algebras”,

2) IPM, 2014-2015, Four talks in mini courses:
”The Workshop on operator Algebras and its Application”.
I have been member of organizers in this workshop on Dec. 2014 – Jan. 2015 too.

3) Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamedan, January 2015, Two lectures: ”Workshop of C∗-algebras” with Dr. Ansgar Schneider.

4) Young Mathematica C*-algebra (YMC*A), Copenhagen University 2015, Talk: ”injective operator spaces”,

5) 4-th seminar of Harmonic and its application of Iran, Kharazmi University of Tehran, Iran, 2016, Talk: ”Crossed Product of triple operator spaces”.

6) 4-th seminar of Harmonic and its application of Iran, Kharazmi University of Tehran, Iran, 2016, Two talks in workshop ”Dynamical System and Crossed Product”,

7) Young Mathematica C*-algebra (YMC*A), Mu ̈nster Germany 2016, Poster: ”Crossed product of operator spaces”

8) Chairman and management of the Conference ”The Second National Con- ference on Innovative Approaches in Education and Research”, NERA, in Mahmoudabad- Mazandaran, Iran on 24-25 August 2017.

9) Scientific Chairman of the Conference ”The Third National Conference on Innovative Approaches in Education and Research”, Nera, in Mahmoudabad-Mazandaran, Iran on 22-23 November 2018.

10) Chairman of the Conference ”The Third National Conference on Innovative Approaches in Education and Research”, Nera, in Mahmoudabad-Mazandaran, Iran on 12-13 November 2019.


2005-2014: Analysis I, II (Rudin), Complex Analysis and Calculus I, II, III – Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University of Tehran, Iran.

2015: Calculus II and Principle of Mathematics, Science and Technology Univer- sity of Mazandaran, Iran.

2016-2017: Analysis, Complex Analysis and Calculus III, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University of Tehran, Iran.

2017-2018: Calculus II, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol Mazan- daran, Iran.